NGA on BBC News – UK parents expecting four ‘twiblings’ through surrogacy in India

November 17, 2013

The BBC has reported a surrogacy case involving a British couple who are anticipating the birth of four babies through surrogacy – two sets of twins being carried simultaneously by two Indian surrogate mothers.  

Natalie was interviewed for the piece, by Poonam Taneja, and comments on our experience on the ground and what these arrangements are being called:

“Lawyer Natalie Gamble confirms there are similar cases but she believes it is a trend which is largely unique to the sub-continent. “We’ve seen it a few times. I wouldn’t say it’s routine but it’s not massively uncommon in India,” she says. In fact there is even a new term coined for these babies – twiblings. “They’re not quite twins and not quite siblings either,” she says.

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