NGA case reported in the Telegraph – Gay couple who paid surrogate mothers declared legal parents
The decision of the High Court in the leading NGA case of Re A, B and C (2016) has been reported in today’s Daily Telegraph. The case involved a gay couple who engaged in three different surrogacy arrangements via a UK surrogacy Facebook group, and misled the...
NGA quoted in today’s Telegraph – how to have a baby by surrogate in the UK
Today’s Telegraph includes a feature about surrogacy in the UK entitled ‘How to have a baby by surrogate in the UK’ following an interview with Natalie to answer various questions, including: Is surrogacy right for you? There are lots of reasons why...
NGA quoted in the Telegraph – How a father became the brother of his son
NGA has been quoted in today’s Telegraph, on the case of Kyle Casson, the single dad through surrogacy who was granted an adoption order to secure his legal parenthood. Natalie was quoted about the law’s failure to allow single parents to apply for...