Should surrogate mothers still have an absolute right to change their minds? – Article published in Bionews

October 23, 2012

Natalie has written a comment piece for Bionews criticising the unchallengeable position surrogate mothers are currently given by UK surrogacy law.

Natalie criticises the legal position as outdated. Very few surrogacy arrangements do go wrong (a proportion of roughly 0.02%) and where things run to plan, the current law means that parental responsibility is left in the wrong hands for far too long, contrary to everyone’s wishes and the best interests of the child. It is time for us to introduce law which deals with surrogacy in a much more sophisticated way, understanding that surrogacy is a collaborative process in which the rights and responsibilities of everyone involved – the surrogate, her partner, the intended parents and the child – all need to be carefully balanced. 

Read the full article here.

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