NGA speaks at British HIV Association national conference

October 9, 2018

Natalie was delighted to speak to the British HIV Association’s national conference in London.  She shared the unique challenges faced by HIV+ parents who need to conceive through fertility treatment, and particularly those who need the help of a surrogate. 

Currently UK law requires anyone who transfers their sperm to a surrogate, and anyone who transfers their eggs to another woman (including lesbian couples wishing to conceive through intra-partner IVF), to be HIV negative.  The rules are strict and have not caught up with modern science. Even though modern medications enable those living with HIV to have an undetectable viral load – meaning that they can’t transmit the virus to anyone else – many of them are prevented from conceiving their own biological child by UK law.

The conference prompted a very productive discussion, and we hope may lead to change in the future.

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