Fertility law masterclass from Natalie Gamble

March 23, 2021

Our director Natalie Gamble was asked to give a class for Global Perspectives at Fertility IQ, an online education series on assisted reproduction around the world. Alongside leading professors, academics and other professionals from 30 different countries, Natalie was pleased to speak about fertility law in the UK, covering:

  • UK law regarding the use of gametes and embryos
  • Rules affecting IVF patients
  • Storage limits and moving genetic material
  • Using donor eggs
  • Using donor sperm
  • Surrogacy
  • Travelling outside the UK for surrogacy
  • LGBTQ family building
  • Family building for single people
  • Reflections on UK reproductive law

You can watch Natalie’s 30 minute class here.

And the rest of the series here.

The UK’s leading surrogacy lawyers

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